
Thank you for your interest in supporting our various endeavours!

Who are we?11073475_10153152905254788_1761866858669346875_o
This is the place to go if you have any questions about sponsoring a UBC medical student initiative or offering a presentation to UBC medical students. We are part of the Medical Undergraduate Society (MUS), which is the governing body for all medical students at UBC. All external organizations must apply through this website if they wish to reach the student body.

Each year, the MUS hosts a variety of social and charitable events attended by students, faculty, and members of the broader community. There are several opportunities for external organizations to sponsor these events, both financially and in-kind. For more details on applying to be a sponsor, please visit the Sponsorship Opportunities page.

Various organizations are interested in presenting to our class on topics ranging from career advice to educational sessions to financial literacy. For more details on applying to present to the students, please visit the Presentation Application page.

For more information, please review the Sponsorship Policy. If you have further questions, please contact the MUS Sr. Director of Sponsorship and Donor Relations, Samuel Tholl, at mus.sponsorship@gmail.com.